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  • Advisory Circulars These FAA documents provide suggestions for how to comply with airworthiness regulations.
  • CAA and FAA Reports This database includes documents such as CAA Flight Engineering Reports, CAA Research Reports, CAA Safety and Planning Reports, CAA Technical Development Reports, and FAA Reports.
  • Civil Aeronautics Manuals This collection of Civil Aeronautics Manuals includes dozens of manuals all the way back to Civil Aeronautics Manual 1, published in 1952.
  • Civil Aeronautics Regulations The Air Commerce Act of 1926 paved the way for regulating civil aviation and led to the creation of these Civil Air Regulations.
  • Federal Aviation Regulations In this database you'll find Federal Aviation Regulations covering Certificaton and Operations as well as Regulatory Review Program.
  • Historic CAB/DOT Orders A historic archive of Department of Commerce, and the Civil Aeronautics Board and Department of Transportation Orders dating back to 1939.
  • Investigations of Aircraft Accidents 1934 - 1965 One of our most popular databases, the documents archived here contain details of aircraft accidents dating back to 1934.
  • Investigations of Railroad Accidents 1911 - 1993 Similar to the above database, this features documents narrating investigations of railroad accidents from as early as 1911.
  • National Conferences on Street and Highway Safety Beginning with First National Conference on Street and Highway Safety overseen by then Secretary of Commerce Chairman (and, later, president) Herbert Hoover, this database contains a series of reports on conferences.
  • DOT NTSB Our most recent collectoin of aviation accidents from the National Transportation Safety Board.
  • Papers By H.S. Fairbank - Frank Turner - T.H. Macdonald This database includes the papers of Fairbanks, Senior Highway Engineer of the Bureau of Public Roads; Turner, Division Engineer of the U.S. Public Roads Administration, Philippine Division; and, Macdonald, chief of United States Bureau of Public Roads.
  • US Coast Guard Circulars A collection of United States Coast Guard Circulars dating back to 1960.
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